Centra Showroom 1.60.0

Released on 16 of October

🥝 Added
  • Display 'from' in front of the lowest available product price, if variants have different prices
  • Possibility to clear all filters on mobile and iPad has been added
  • Truncate product name and display tooltip if full product name does not fit in two lines under the product image.
♻️ Changed
  • Rename 'Company name' to 'Account name' in account details page.
🐛 Fixed
  • The order of variants is respected in product matrix
  • Change (now) to (ongoing) in delivery date displayed for ongoing delivery windows
  • Add asterisk to Buyer and Delivery window input labels in Create order sheet popup modal
  • Improve user information bar responsiveness
  • Replace 'no image' image with text message
  • 'Go to units' button is now visible when search overlay is active
  • Improve 'Remove background' button visibility
  • Prevent multiple requests while waiting for order response
  • Improve layout alignment.

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