Subscription orders in Centra

About this article

In Centra, you can view the subscription orders and subscription listings which are a simple and easy way to see all your subscriptions and everything related to them including the intervals and already fulfilled orders.

Background story

Subscriptions are a great way to generate recurring revenue for any company. Additionally they are a great way of not only increasing consumer touch points but offering convenience to the customer by getting deliveries at their preferred intervals. If you would like to have this function activated, please contact Centra’s Support Team.

Subscription orders in Centra

Subscription based orders will appear in 'Orders' but they will have a Subscription ID ('Sub. ID') which is unique to the plan that was used when placing the order. The 'Sub. ID' can be multiple depending on the number of subscription based products in the order.

If you would like to have an overview of subscription based orders only, click on the 'Sub. ID' column header in the orderlist, the orders will then be sorted and you can see the orders either at the top or the bottom. The order will look exactly like regular orders and you can click on 'Confirm order' once you are certain that everything is correct and accurate. After this you can proceed to expedite the order as described in this article.

How to view subscription listings

  1. Under DIRECT TO CONSUMER and 'More' in the main menu to the left
  2. Click on 'Subscriptions'. In the new window that appears you will be able to have an overview of the Subscription orders placed
  3. You can open an order in the list by clicking on it and you will then be able to see all the details for this specific Subscription order
  4. Some additional Subscription information will be found on the order:
    • Subscription contract - An aggregate of Subscriptions created for each purchase transaction that includes Subscriptions. Shipping method, address, market, price list and payment method are stored in the contract. A particular tokenized payment method is associated with a contract but stored elsewhere.
    • Contract ID - A unique number generated automatically from a Subscription plan. A single customer ID can have multiple Contract ID’s depending on the number of Subscriptions.
    • Parent order ID - Orders created during checkout, including subscription items. The first Subscription order is always paid in the user session at checkout.
    • Next order date - the day in which the next subscription will be sent.

It is important to note that shipping address can be changed as long as you don't change the country, due to the factors like tax rules, pricelists, markets that are based on that field.