
Under 'Modules' > 'Forecast' you will find the Forecast module:

This module will tell you all you need to know about your inventory turnover.

You fill in the form as explained next to each field, see example below:

This will tell us the sales speed over a specific period of time. The plan is to place an order each month, so therefore Days to Zero is set to 30. It’s also possible make a search for a specific product, folder or collection. Pressing Search will show the list view of all products sold in the time period and are estimated to be in need of being ordered, see image below. The list view with search results has the columns Sales Speed which show the sales speed and Amount to Order which shows amount to order for each product.

The data will show Wholesale and Retail sales, but not Internal Orders. The estimation is based on Orders and not Invoices. Changes that are made within the forecast module will not change anything on products and stock in Centra.

The list view will show you;

Article – SKU, Product name, Variant name, Size

Folder – Folder name

Collection – Collection name

Sales QTY – Sales amount of that product during the specified time period

Sale days – The number of days from the end date that the product has been sold, in between the specified time period

Sales Speed – Sales QTY divided by Sale days (average sold products per day)

Stock – Todays FTA (Free To Allocate) stock

Add Stock – If you realize that you have more on the shell than is written in the Stock column you could add stock here (Note! This will not make any changes to your actual stock in Centra)

Final Stock – Summary of Stock + Add Stock

Days to Zero – The amount of days shows an estimation for how long todays inventory will last. Counted from Sales Speed and Stock

Amount to Order – Estimation of how many products that needs to be ordered. Based on Sales Speed, Stock Availability and Days to Zero

Stock upon Delivery – If Delivery time is added to the report it will show the stock upon delivery

Stock after delivery – What you will have in stock after following the Amount to Order recommendation

Days to Zero after Delivery – This amount is counted so that the next order will be placed in the same (30 days) quantity of days you entered in Days to Zero

We recommend that you export the report and play around with it in Excel as the parameters are there and you can easily see what will happen to the stock and sale speed if you just change some small numbers here and there. Note that the export will include all products in the product catalog that have a size.

Next article: Fortnox