Centra Showroom 1.95.0

Released on 22 of March

🐛 Fixed

  • Previously orders could be manipulated and placed even if the 'Maximum order of single item' store setting criteria was not fullfilled. Now the logic is fixed and the setting can no longer be avoided
  • Fixed the issue of units that disappeared from a delivery window after changing units on the product in another delivery window
  • Fixed the loading spinner for each product on the 'Products' page
  • Fixed the scroll issue in CMS pages when using Safari v13.1.3
  • It is now possible to scroll when editing a CMS block with the 'Create new text style' or the 'Crop media' functions in Firefox

♻️ Change

  • Delivery windows with 0 products are no longer displayed on the 'My Selection' page in the 'Group by delivery window' mode

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