Centra 3.53.0

Released to QA on January 4th and Production week of January 15th 2024


New Features

  • Klarna mismatch orders
    • This new feature helps with mismatched orders in Klarna.
    • Klarna Checkout orders with a mismatch in the authorization and order total are now placed on hold and are to be handled manually
  • Ingrid zip code fallback
    • This feature makes sure that even if a zip code is not provided, but other parts of the address are provided, we can keep Ingrid’s shipping method on the order


  • Support for Adyen’s offer closed webhook
  • Displaying the title for the payment card details as “Cards“ even when Adyen returns “Credit cards“
  • If API was used to set session market, both session and selection should be set to that market


New Features

  • Grouping delivery windows
    • Thanks to this feature, you will be able to group delivery windows so that they show up in a preferred manner in the Showroom filters panel.
    • One exemplary use case is a situation with many delivery windows available for the buyer, and you with to show them grouped into e.g. month of the delivery start date.
    • You will now be able to create groups and reorder the items within, to make it more transparent for buyers to filter products in Showroom.
    • You can read more about delivery windows here


  • Mobile browsing, loading checkout button
  • Updating sold-out badge
  • Updated checkout failure page
  • Fallback option for size chart localization

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Next article: Centra 3.54.0