Centra 3.69.0

Released to QA on August 12th and Production on week of August 26th 2024

Core Logic

New Features

  • Improvement for catalog export
    • If a user attempts to export a catalog using the same settings as a file generated in the past 24 hours, a pop-up will prompt them to download the already generated file
    • The ‘Warehouse’ data in the export file has been moved from rows to columns, reducing duplicated product data.
  • Details panel resizing in Centra UI
    • Adjust the details panel size to your preference, with a maximum of 80% of your screen and a minimum of a 2-column view.
    • This feature is particularly useful on pages with wide tables that require horizontal scrolling.
    • The resized panel is saved per user and applies to all pages.
    • Thanks to this feature we improve your user experience.
    • In particular on pages with long horizontal scrolling, e.g. in tables on details pages such as orders, invoices, supplier orders etc.
  • Dashboard currency based on ‘Sold in currency’ filter
    • Review your Dashboard data without conversion to base currency, when filtering orders sold in other currencies.
    • This feature is particularly useful for sales agents managing specific markets.
    • This feature is also available in Dashboard invoices.
  • UI Improvements
    • Corrected sorting order and statuses grouped in ‘All’ tab on various pages.
    • The new order is as follows: Active, Inactive, Archived, Canceled/Disabled.
  • Deprecation of .xls file format in Centra reporting module
    • Warning added to reporting module requesting the change of reports format to .xlsx or .csv
    • On 1st of October 2024 all reports utilizing .xls format will be automatically switched to .xlsx


  • Direct, then confirm allocation policy: fixed flags, status and backorder flag behavior


New Features

  • New "Between" value/quantity condition on vouchers
    • Up until now we have had the following conditions: At least, At most, Exactly and now we are adding the range possibility with Between.
    • It can be used on the following criteria: Product value, Order value, Product Qty, Order Qty.
  • Not counting voucher as used, if criteria were not fulfilled
    • When you are trying out the code on a selection, but not all criteria are fulfilled it won’t be counted as used anymore.
    • Your front end will now know that voucher criteria are not fulfilled, so it can display it properly.
  • Payments and email improvement
    • The relation between refund and return is clearly shown
    • Address details are populated to Affirm checkout widget


  • Klarna through Adyen, when voucher was added to the selection


New Features

  • Relation between returns and refunds has been exposed
    • We have exposed a new relation between returns and refunds.
    • This new relation is is a bi-directional relation meaning you can get Refund details Returns and you can get Return details from Refunds
  • Integration API performance has been improved
    • We have significantly improved the Integration API performance for fetching nested types (e.g., order lines, stock, country states) from the database.
  • Improved filtering in Integration API
    • A new filter "grandTotal" for fetching orders has been added. It can be used to find "big", "free", or any other orders within a range of total values.
  • Event System improvement
    • The speed of producing events in the Events system has been improved.

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