Centra 3.62.0

Released to QA on May 8th and Production week of May 20th 2024

Core Logic

New Features

  • Flexible catalog export
    • Our catalog export has been updated to make it more flexible and user friendly
    • We have replaced the old selector with a multiselector for Brands, Categories and Warehouses.
  • UPS Integration 2.0
    • We have updated the plug-in for our UPS users, now using REST API instead of SOAP API and the old application will be deprecated on June 3rd.


  • Exporting without localized language for display and store items when exporting products
  • Forecast data visible when searching
  • Expedite Empty fields not hidden on items that were never shipped


New Features

  • Credit limit for accounts
    • If you choose to apply the new Credit limit on accounts, the buyer won't be able to check out their order in Showroom if the following has happened:
      • invoices are created on the account
      • the total amount of unpaid invoices exceeds the credit limit
  • Product Listing Page improvement
    • When hovering on the product listing on the product tiles - where there are so called variant dots are visible - a click on the product tile will now take you to the view of the variant you were hovering on, not the first variant.


  • Sales reps correctly removed and not displayed as one of the options in dropdowns (e.g. Account - Sales rep)
  • Dropdowns in Selection overview fixed
  • Colors in pie charts in selection overview
  • Add to selection button removed from lookbooks
  • Overdelivery calculation fixed for underdelivered products
  • Redirection to new selection when copying newly created order
  • Distinct variants label now visible
  • Corrected redirect after succesful order confirmation

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