Creating invoices in B2B

About this article

You may create invoices in two different ways in Centra. Either by creating one from an existing order or by creating a free-text invoice. This article will show you to create a free-text invoice.

Creating a free-text invoice

If you wish to create an invoice without an order being placed, follow the steps below:

  1. Click 'Invoices' under WHOLESALE in the main menu to the left
  2. Click '+Create invoice' in the upper-right corner and this pop-up window will open:
  3. Select the account you wish to add an invoice to, and you will be redirected to this view:
  4. Enter the required information about the receiver of the invoice. Then scroll down to the section Invoice products and click 'Add products' in the upper-right corner of that section
  5. Enter the required information about the product. Just click 'Add products' again to add the next product and click 'Save' in the upper-right corner when you are done
  6. Go to the top of the window and click 'Lock' to lock the invoice before you send it to a buyer.

Next step

To learn more about how to create an Invoice Template, click here or to read about how to create an Invoice from a Shipment, click here