How to setup Apsis with Centra

First, to enable Apsis as a E-mail subscribe Plugin you will need some information from Apsis. This information is a little bit hard to find, that's why this article exists. This is the information you'll need:

These fields contains the apsis login and the MailList-IDs for order placement and regular sign up (by a form on your startpage etc).

Finding the MailingListID

First, press "Help & Support".

Then press the API-link below Guides, it'll expand.

Select the item regarding "fetching mailing lists".

This one explains how you connect the systems.

Press the first link inside the article:

This will open up a form where you're able to insert your credentials. Do it and then press Invoke.

You will receive a bunch of data, look for the thing called MailingListID that refers to the list you want, in black you'll see the correct MailingListID.

Insert that ID into the List ID-field inside the Centra Plugin Setup. You are now connected with Apsis!