Centra 2.56.0

Released on 10 of July

🥝 New Features
  • ProductUrl added to API response. It should help FE to track from which category product was added. It is possible to get now category from which customer entered to the product and from which customer bought it.
  • KCO v3 “Country+Currency checker” in plugin. You can test payments with this for different countries and currencies and see what KCO-says. Inside Klarna there's form of setting for each country and what currencies that should be allowed for, and the countries with errors are the ones where Klarna says "bad currency" on. ![](Screenshot 2019-07-10 at 13.30.35.png)
  • Dashboard can now utilize both ES and SQL. This means that Dashboard now loads 20 times faster.
  • More product data in OrderAPI. It will be possible to read the metadata (meta description, keywords) into another system.
🐛 Bugs
  • Remove state check in KCOv3 callback for now
  • Soap Api pricelist_Update now allows changing only one of the price/priceB
  • Type error in getCarrier for Ingrid
  • Rule + custom e-mail address fix. Rulemailer plugin should use the e-mail address chosen in the admin panel.
  • Fix for cloneMe function for basket items. Problem was with delivery window that did not show in order summary in Wholesale.
  • “Inventory: Report” showed negative values, so value correction was done to fix it.
  • Division by Zero due to string vs float
  • Hotfix: Ingrid plugin: Fix for case sensitive in use statement
  • Faster cloning of vouchers. Going from 2,2s locally to 300ms. Also allow cloning any code voucher you want as long as that code is not taken for a voucher in that store.
  • Show correct count in Category Filter. In Category filter the "items" count also included Archived and Disabled products, we will only count inactive and active as the "category view" does.
  • Fix to prevent “+Add product” creating duplicates when opening twice
  • Return order with status “Open” without shipping country in Showroom
  • Change Email History CustomerId to int
  • Add pre-request script to first call of ShopAPIv2 tests
  • Hotfix: Make sure payment Object is null, not false
  • Return proper voucher total value (we should use original_value instead of custom value - rewritten after placing the order)

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