Adding a product to a DTC order

About this article

When you create an order in Centra it will be listed among the other orders in the 'Orders'-list (under the 'DIRECT TO CONSUMER' and 'WHOLESALE' section in menu to the left). However, you will still be able to add and/or remove products to/from you orders, even if they were previously created and confirmed. In this article, you will learn how to add products to a retail order. To read about how to cancel a product from a retail order, click here.

Adding products

  1. Click 'Orders' under the DIRECT TO CONSUMER in the main menu to the left

  2. Select the order you wish to edit and scroll down to the 'Ordered products' section

  3. Click 'Add products' in the upper-right corner and this pop-up window will open:

  4. Enter the products you wish to add to your order. In the 'View' drop-down menu next to 'Search' field, you can specify the type of products you wish to see. You may also search for products in the search field in the upper-left corner.

  5. When you have made your selection, click 'Confirm' in the bottom-right corner. These products will now be listed among the other products in your order.