
An overview

About this article

The e-conomic module is a module that enables a link between Centra and e-conomic. This article will cover how to configure the module and e-conomic to work.

Please note that this module will be deprecated June 2023 as E-conomic is deprecating the SOAP API at the end of Q4 2022 which is used for this integration, and this module is therefore not maintained nor supported at this point.

The e-conomic module

To go to the e-conomic module, follow the steps below:

  1. Click 'MODULES' in the bottom-menu
  2. Click 'E-CONOMIC' and you will be redirected to a log of previous sent invoices or payments.

Before you get started

The start of the configuration of this module has to be done inside e-conomic. Begin with creating six products within e-conomic, these six will be used as templates for:

  1. Home country products
  2. Home country shipping
  3. EU country products
  4. EU country shipping
  5. Overseas products
  6. Overseas shipping

Make sure you configure these products so that they match the VAT percentage of this VAT zone. If you, for example, would have 25% VAT within your home country, the template product made for home country products must be linked to a product group with 25% VAT.

After the products have been set up, the next step is to set up the payment terms. Make sure that the name of the payment terms in e-conomic and in Centra are the same, otherwise you will encounter an error later.

The last configuration within e-conomic is the invoice templates (these are called 'template collections' in e-conomic). The same-name rule applies here as well.

The configuration tab

Before sending your invoices to e-conomic you must first visit the configuration tab. Click 'CONFIG' to be redirected to this view :

  • login_username: Edit this field and enter your e-conomic username.
  • login_password: Edit this field and enter your e-conomic password.
  • login_agreement: Edit this field and enter your e-conomic agreement number.
  • last_sync: Leave this field unmodified.
  • homecountry_shipping_products, homecountry_products, eu_products, eu_shipping_products, abroad_shipping_products _and _abroad_products: Edit these field and enter the products you created for this VAT zone. Example: 0=155000 (The product id 155000 will be used for 0% tax).
  • fik: If your home country is Denmark, fill in this field with your FIK number. This will be put on the invoices when a payment is fetched from e-conomic.
  • debtor_group: Edit this field and enter the debtor group number to be used for the accounts exported from Centra.
  • country: Edit this field and enter your home country's ISO 3166-1 alpha-2

After this configuration, you should be all set for using the e-conomic module!

The sync tab

After you're done with the setup you can start sending your invoices to e-conomic. Click 'SYNC' to be redirected to an overview of the invoices that are ready to be synced. Use the checkboxes to select which invoice you would like to sync, then select 'Force Sync' in the drop-down list in the upper right corner above the list and hit the 'APPLY' button:

After a confirmation prompt, you have successfully sent your invoices to e-conomic! You will then be redirected to the log page where you can see what accounts and what invoices that has been sent.

The sent tab

After sending the invoices you can visit this tab. Click 'SENT' to be redirected to an overview of the invoices you have sent. Use the checkboxes to select, then use the drop-down list in the upper right corner above the list and hit the 'APPLY' button. There are two options in this view, Force Sync Item, and Force Book Item.

  • Force Sync Item: Use this feature to re-send your invoices. This can come in handy if you accidentally delete an invoice in e-conomic, making it out of sync with the system.
  • Force Book Item: Use this feature to book the synced invoices in e-conomic.

After choosing Force Book Item, the booked invoices should show up in e-conomic under 'Current Invoices':

Finally, after a confirmation prompt, you will be brought back to the log page where you can see the payments that have been synced:

That is all of the features of the e-conomic module!